- The problem -
Every business at some point will attend events, and usually the people who will be representing it need to give out business cards. When the number of employees that need those increases the numbers of print errors, typos etc increases too. Not to mention the amount of editing that needs to happen in order to get them printed.
- The solution - 
To solve these issues, I came up with an idea to create a business card generator app for the business in order to stream line the process. I designed a custom experience and interface where users can add their details and with a click of a button they can export the front and back of their card and send it directly to Marketing to take care of the printing side of things. At the time I wanted to dive into mobile developing so I took on the challenge to develop the app myself. It was an amazing learning experience as I got to work on this project end to end and learn many new things.
- The outcome -
The amount of design time was cut by more than half since people just needed to add their details and hit export. That also let to fewer to almost no mistakes and Marketing could focus on just the orders.
Thanks for reading :)
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